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  • Chases Isaac.
  • Emerges from a mud pit when Isaac steps on the mud pit it is occupying.
  • Alternatively, emerges once all other enemies are killed.
Muck Worm
Muck Worm.png
  • Appears from mud pits and fires a burst of mud projectiles at Isaac.
  • Chases Isaac while they are stepping in the mud pit they are occupying.
  • Dump variant that creates slowing mud creep.
  • While in head form, targets mud pits to reform a new body for itself.
Mud Fly
Mud Fly.png
  • Fly variant, resistant to knockback and flies in an imprecise manner.
  • Turns into a Swarm Fly on death.
Spore Fly
Spore Fly.png
  • Mud Fly infected by spores.
  • Fires an arcing spore projectile on death.
  • Danny variant that shoots mud projectiles and spawns Mud Flies.
  • Robert infected by spores.
  • Shoots spore projectiles and spawns Spore Flies.
  • Cluster of stationary mushrooms that act as background decorations.
  • When infected by spores, sprouts from the ground and bounces around randomly.
  • Creates a small spore explosion on death.
  • One Tooth infected by spores.
  • Dashes twice in succession.
  • Creates a spore explosion on death.
Puff Bat
Puff Bat.png
  • Fat Bat infected by spores.
  • Releases a burst of homing spores that create small spore explosions on death.
  • Creates a large spore explosion on death.
  • Dragon Fly variant that bounces diagonally in an uneven manner.
  • On death, shoots a wave of spore explosions in a + or x pattern.
Hyph Man
Hyph Man.png
  • Wanders around aimlessly.
  • Once disturbed, all Hyph Men in the room will chase Isaac for a short period.
Hypher Man
Hypher Man.png
  • Wanders around aimlessly.
  • Once disturbed, chases Isaac at high speeds and explodes once in range.
  • This explosion triggers all Hyph Men in the room.
  • Wanders around the room, planting dormant mushrooms in the ground.
  • Once disturbed, all planted mushrooms will explode and leave behind a cluster of floating projectiles. Chases Isaac for a short period.
Level 2 Mushroom
Level 2 Mushroom.png
  • Stationary. Resistant to damage while closed.
  • Occasionally opens up, firing a line of 3 projectiles in cardinal or diagonal directions, in addition to a cluster of floating projectiles.
  • Spawns a burst of floating projectiles on death.
  • Stationary. Carries a green aura which gradually grants other enemies a shield up to 10 additional HP.
  • Retaliates from damage by firing a single homing spore.
  • Mole variant. Burrows around the room, creating mud tiles in positions that it occupies.
  • If spooked by the player, will jump to nearby position, creating an additional mud tile.
  • Invulnerable to damage unless its underside is exposed.
  • Leaps towards the player, landing on its head and shooting projectiles in the cardinal directions.
  • Upon landing in a mud pit, shoots a ring of 8 mud projectiles and becomes stunned for a moment.
  • Disguised as a Cattail in mud pits.
  • Once aligned with Isaac, will emerge and charge in a cardinal direction.
  • Shoots mud projectiles and creates mud pits while charging.
  • Wanders around the room, attempting to charge at Isaac. Highly resistant to damage.
  • Upon stepping in a mud pit, sinks down and becomes rooted in place.
  • Becomes vulnerable while rooted. Occasionally shoots a single projectile at Isaac in this state.
  • Moves around by extending its thorny limbs, grabbing onto solid grids.
  • Its limbs block projectiles and deal damage upon contact.
  • Only the head is vulnerable. Retaliates by firing a single projectile at Isaac.
  • Flies around, targeting other enemies to consume their fluids.
  • While filled, slowly chases Isaac and shoots a burst of projectiles.
  • Has alternate behavior depending on the type of enemy it consumes from.